HomeBusinessA Complete Beginner’s Guide to Creating A Business Website In 2019

A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Creating A Business Website In 2019

In earlier times, you needed a professional website designer to create a business site, launch it and make changes to its content as and when needed. Not anymore, now-a-days as there are so many tools available through which you can make one youself and by using various online resources, the site can be launched and you can add further information, images or video to it by yourself. 

Steps to creating a business website in 2019

Step OneRegister a domain name for your site but before you do this decide on what should be the name of your business website and check up if that name is available for registration or some other business has taken it up. Look into domains for sale with a site hoster services and to find out and if your desired domain name isn’t available you need to look up at alternative premium domains for sale else check if it is available for a .net or .org extension. 

Step Two – Once you have found the availability of your domain name proceed to sign up with a host for affordable hosting plan so that you can finish the site registration process. If you opt for a WordPress website you will be able to access unlimited functionalities and very interesting features. A WordPress website can be built without any programming knowledge and by signing up a hosting plan with a provider like Bluehost for a WordPress site, you spend very less to launch it. 

You can also choose something like SquareSpace or Weebly which helps to not just build your website but also enables you to put different types of features, functionalities to make your site interesting and technically advanced.You will find website builders such as Wix, WordPress to help design a site for free.

Before selecting any particular web host look into to their different types of plan prices to find the plan that suitable for your needs. There a monthly payment else one time yearly payment. With some providers you will be able to get a free domain name and only payment that has to be done is for hosting. Look for a host that has a name in its market as opting for an unkown hosting company can put your entire online business initiative at risk.

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Step 3Creating your business logo which should be done by brainstorming on various ideas on what kind of icon, symbol or image best represents you brand and what it provides to consumers. Look into different types of ideas to create a logo that best describes what your business is about and how consumers will benefit by purchasing from it. You have an idea of how the logo should look like you can create it using various logo making tools else get it done through a professional logo designer. Logo must be one that is unique, striking and attractive so that it makes an immediate impact on those who look at it.

Step 4Designing your website’s features is one of the most important aspects to launching an online business. Why? Your site is the window to your business and what it offers to consumers so when you make it nice, interesting by putting in those features which make it easy for visitors to find information, they feel inclined to stay in it and explore it further, which inturn promotes your business as such activities lead to sales. s

Check up on the latest features that a website must have today and bring them into your site so that it is on par with its competitors. Make sure that while you incorporate the best features, the entire site’s design is simple so that visitors can find their way through and not feel overwhelmed by what they see. The site must have easy-to-use features, must be quickly navigable and must load fast. You need to put the right content into the site’s pages so that visitors can find out what they need to make a purchase decision. 

Step 6 – It is necessary for your site to have homepage, product or services page about us page, contact us page and a blog page. You need to put original and engaging content into each of these pages so that your site is picked up by search engines and displayed within the first ten listings of search results. Make sure to give catchy subheadings wherever required and make the content easy-to-read, with bullet points. Include the most important aspects about your product or service so that visitors are given valuable information that induces them to make a purchase. 

Step 7 – Your website must be optimised for mobile phones so that people can make a purchase from it while on the go. It should include those features by which people searching for information can surf through it and find what they want fast to make a purchase. The features implemented should induce visitors to buy the product they want right away. A mobile-friendly website is also called as a responsive site and will be able to immediately detect the kind of device that a visitor is using to surf it and will adjust the size layout accordingly to give them the best exploring experience. Make sure that features such as a Google Maps, Widgets such as click-to-call button is included as this makes certain interactions easier to carry out.

Step – 8 – After launching your site, test it on different browsers such as Internet Explorer, Forefox, Chrome, Microsoft edge etc. If you find any site navigation or launch issues, fix them quickly so that the site is accessible to people using different browsers for their surfing convinience. Once testing is complete, promote your site through various digital marketing strategies such as SEO, SMO, PPC etc, so that people can find it quickly for surfing and purchasing.

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